Curriculum Maps

During the 2021-2022 school year, I collaborated with my colleagues to ensure our curriculum was meeting the needs of our culturally diverse student body. After participating in a book study on Cultivating Genius by Dr. Gholdy Muhammad, we examined our current curriculum utilizing the Hill Model for Creating Culturally Responsive Education. Based on our findings from this Curricular Evaluation, we made adjustments to our mentor texts, lessons we were teaching, and activities we asked students to complete to demonstrate their learning. 

Below are three units from the 4th Grade Curriculum along with their Hill Model evaluations that I worked on with my grade team to re-evaluate our Culturally Responsive Practices. Curricular changes were to take place during the 2022-2023 school year. As a working document, new updates are noted in purple.

4th Grade Intro to Towers Falling Reading 2022-23.docx
4th Grade Reading Launch 2022-23.docx
Intro to Towers Falling - HILL Model Evaluation.docx
Reading Launch - HILL Model Evaluation.docx
4th Grade One Crazy Summer Reading 2022-2023.docx
One Crazy Summer - HILL Model Evaluation.docx

While examining our curriculum, we also worked to update and reformat our current pacing calendar. This reflected the changes we were planning to make for the upcoming school year. While editing the order and progression of units, we updated the format for easy access to the information shoud new members be brought on to our team. 

Copy of Updated 4th Grade Pacing Calendar 2022-2023