Student Work Samples


Shown below are Argelis' pre and post assessment for a narrative writing unit. He created a realistic fiction piece based around personal experiences. His specific learning targets included working to create character profiles, including dialogue.  He painted a picture for the reader by showing, not telling. 

Argelis Post.pdf


Shown below are Zenaida's pre and post assessment for a narrative writing unit. Zenaida's specific learning targets for building a realistic fiction story included developing a problem and solution, incorporating dialogue, and creating emotion.

Zenaida Post.pdf


Copy of Elijah Paulino - Opinion Paragraph - Week 1 Student Notebook

To the left is a sample of Elijah's opinion writing. Elijah worked to generate reasons and examples to support an opinion surrounding a topic he was passionate about. Elijah focused on utilizing transition words to help organize his writing. Since this assignment was completed during remote learning, Elijah also focused on utilizing spell and grammar check to edit and revise his work.

Shown to the right is Elijah's Historical Fiction writing notebook. After reading The Orphan of Ellis Island students were asked to create a fiction writing piece about a person immigrating to the United States. The notebook slides took Elijah through the process of creating the components of his Historical Fiction writing piece. Elijah worked to draft, revise, edit, and publish his piece based around immigration to the United States.



Shown below are Aaron's pre and post assessment for a narrative writing unit. He created a realistic fiction piece based around personal experiences. His specific learning targets included sequencing events and character development.

Aaron Post.pdf


Shown below are Yargenis' pre and post assessment for a narrative writing unit. He created a realistic fiction piece based around personal experiences. His specific learning targets included utilizing descriptive language and character interactions.

Yargenis Pre.pdf
Yargenis Post.pdf



To the left is Joseury's published Historical Fiction writing piece. After reading The Orphan of Ellis Island students were asked to create a fiction writing piece about a person immigrating to the United States. Joseury worked to use research to build his character and included specific examples from the time period to develop mood and tone.


To the right is Hector's published informational writing piece. Hector worked to create a writing piece around a topic that he was passionate about - where he lives. Hector utilized text features and important landmarks to help elevate his writing piece.

Copy of Hector Genao - Informational Writing Notebook