Writing Data

The following artifacts include Writing data collected during the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023 school years. Writing Data is collected as a pre and post assessment to each unit completed as part of our TC Writing Curriculum. Data is used to drive small group instruction utilizing strategies from Writing Strategies by Jennifer Serravallo. 

*To view Data in full screen, click the arrow in the upper right hand corner of the spreadsheet. 

*Tabs on the bottom indictate the unit in which the data was collected. Please click on each tab to view data from all units.


Data shown in the table below represents pre and post test growth by student for each writing unit by domain. Students were assessed using the TC writing rubrics connected to the unit of study. Based on pre-assessment data, students were provided with multiple small group and conference opportunities to address specific areas of need. 

Writing Assessment Data 20-21


Grade 4 Narrative Rubric.pdf

4th Grade Narrative Rubric


4th Grade Informational Rubric


3rd Grade Narrative Rubric


Data shown in the table below represents pre and post test growth by student for each writing unit by domain. Students were assessed using the TC writing rubrics connected to the unit of study. Based on pre-assessment data, students were provided with multiple small group and conference opportunities to address specific areas of need. 

Writing Assessment Data 21-22


Grade 4 Narrative Rubric.pdf

4th Grade Narrative Rubric


4th Grade Informational Rubric

Rubric Opinion Writing Gr. 4.pdf

4th Grade Opinion Rubric


Data shown in the table below represents pre and post test growth by student for each writing unit by domain. Students were assessed using the TC writing rubrics connected to the unit of study. Based on pre-assessment data, students were provided with multiple small group and conference opportunities to address specific areas of need. 

Writing Assessment Data 22 -23


Grade 5 Narrative Rubric.pdf

5th Grade Narrative Rubric

Rubric Opinion Writing Gr. 5.pdf

5th Grade Opinion Rubric

Rubric for Informational Writing - Grade 5.pdf

5th Grade Informational Rubric