Classroom Management
In my four years, I have utilized the principles of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in my practice.
Every year, I begin the school year by creating a classroom contract or mission statement with clear expectations for students. These expectations help keep our classroom a positive place to be. During this process, we define expectations for each other.
We go over the 4B's of PBIS - Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, and Be Kind. I have students role play to show how we can practice the 4B's in different environments around the school.

In order to help students understand the importance of setting goals and using a "Begin With The End In Mind" mentality, I have utilized Classroom Bingo.
At the beginning of the week, students work together to identify elements of our classroom contract that may need improvement. Together they determine their goal and select a reward for when they reach it. Rewards include:
Friday Coding lesson
10 minutes of movement
extra time for Genius Hour
a special lunch with Ms. O
Throughout the week when students are exhibiting the behaviors that will help them reach their goal, they are given a bingo piece on the board. Our classroom Bingo Monitor for the month places the piece on the corresponding spot on the board. When students earn enough pieces to get BINGO, they receive their prize.
Class Dojo
I have utilized ClassDojo in a variety of ways throughout the past four years.
ClassDojo has a variety of tools that allow for parent communication, positive reinforcement, and portfolio building. Many of the families I have communicated with have been through ClassDojo. Parents have appreciated the ease of being able to send a text like message to get updates or relay information about their child. Parents can also check in on their child's progress through the Portfolio feature. Here, teachers can post pictures or files of student work for parents review.
Dojo points have also been implemented within the classroom as a positive reinforcement tool. Students are given points based on the expectations we outline in our classroom contract and promises at the beginning of the year. Students are also taught real world skills through banking and saving their points for rewards.