Reading Data
The following artifacts include Reading data collected during the 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023 school years. Data included is both formative and summative assessment data. Below is a description of each spreadsheet included:
Reading Level data is formally collected 3 times a year (September, January, and June) utilizing F&P assessments. The spreadsheet shows the growth and progress students have made over the course of the school year. The colors indicate where in the school wide MTSS groupings students fell based on their reading level. Due to looping with classes during the pandemic, data for most students is shown across a two year span. Data collected during these assessments was then used to drive small group instruction.
Formative Assessment is taken during small group lessons. Students are given multiple opportunities and modalities in order to demonstrate mastery of a variety of skills. Data from F&P assessments is used to form flexible groups and determine areas of strength and analyze gaps to drive small group instruction.
Included in a formative assessment spreadsheet is formative assessment data from Units 1, 2, and 3 in the Read180 program from the 2022-2023 school year. This is the first year Read180 was implemented in self-contained classes as a reading intervention curriculum. Student data is tracked through class activities as well as on the Student App included in the Read180 program. Data provided is then used for differentiated small group instruction to address support, extension, and language groupings.
*To view Data in full screen, click the arrow in the upper right hand corner of the spreadsheet.
*Tabs on the bottom indictate the grade of the students and school year in which the data was collected. Please click on each tab to view data from all classes and groupings.
2019-2020 Reading Level Tracker
Shown below is student data collected from F & P Reading Assessments that are conducted 3 times a school year. Based on this data, students are placed in flexible groupings to address academic needs. Due to COVID-19 and Remote Learning, data collected in March 2020 was missing for some students due to access to remote resources.
2020-2021 Reading LEvel Tracker
Shown below is student data collected from F & P Reading Assessments that are conducted 3 times a school year. Based on this data and data collected from the Formative Assessments below, students are placed in flexible groupings to address academic needs. Due to Remote Learning, differentiated small groups followed a cohort schedule and included both synchronous and asynchronous learning models.
Students utilized digital tools such as NearPod, Padlet, SplashLearn, Prodigy, Flipgrid, Peardeck, Kahoot, Google Applications, and others to complete differentiated learning opportunities.
Student progress was measured toward growth of grade level learning standards. Students were grouped weekly based on their progress from the previous week.
2020-2021 Formative Assessments
To address decoding needs of students with disabilities during Remote Learning, students were pulled in a small group first thing in the morning before attending other Google Meet sessions for the day.
I followed a Wilson-based model, while utilizing virtual tools to assess student learning. Students utilized tools such as boom cards - as a repetitive practice of decoding skills, voice recordings, and digital white boards embedded through NearPod to demonstrate learning.
The morning phonics group followed a blended learning model based on the cohort and grade. All students met through Google Meets for sychronous instruction first. Scheduled rotations were in place to maximize small group instructional time. During the typical week, students were seen 4 times in a small group specifically for Phonics and decoding instruction.
2021-2022 Reading Level Tracker
Shown below is student data collected from Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessments that are conducted 3 times a school year. Through a coaching cycle completed withe Andrea Eisen, we began implementing the use of Reading Strategy groups to adress learning gaps.
To begin, Data Analysis was completed using the Closing the Gap template. Students were placed in groups based on need. Student progress was monitored through exit tickets, running records, and anecdotal notes.
At the of each cycle, students were assessed using Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessments. Based on assessment data, students were then regrouped based on areas of need.
Students were assessed and regrouped every 4 to 6 weeks based on progress monitoring data.
2021-2022 Formative Assessments
2022-2023 Reading Level Tracker
Shown below is student data collected from Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessments that are conducted 3 times a school year. Based on this data and data collected from the Formative Assessments below, students are placed in flexible groupings to address closing the academic gap. Data Analysis is completed using the Closing the Gap template. Students are placed in groups based on need.
Student progress towards small group goals is monitored through formative assessments such as exit tickets and class activities. At the end of each cycle, students are assessed using the Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessment.
Groupings are changed every 4 to 6 weeks based on student progress.
2022-2023 Formative Assessments
Shown below is student data collected from Read180 Intervention Curriculum lessons. Read180 is a new program being implemented in self-contained classes during the 2022-2023 school year. Students are assessed each lesson through do nows, close reading focus questions, exit tickets, writing assignments, and/or performance tasks. Based on in-lesson assessments, differentiated instruction is provided during small group center rotations within the same 90-minute reading block.