Social Emotional Learning

Using the DESSA-40 Evaluation, students were assessed on the 8 competencies of Social Emotional Learning. From this data, action plans were formed for each student to address social emotional goals and supports in order to achieve them. Students will then be assessed again at the end of the year using the same DESSA-40 Evaluation in order to determine growth. 

The image above shows the overall competency data for my class. As a class we noted that our three goals for the year would be based around self-management, goal-directed behavior, and optimistic thinking.

The image above shows the competency breakdown by student. Based on this data, action plans were created for each student that included goals and how they would be addressed.

Ottaviano - 2022-2023 Dessa Data.pdf

Shown above is a sample action plan created for the class. Action plans and goals were kept explicit and in a table easily accessible so they could be referenced throughout the school day.